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Your child may still be eligible,

even if you don’t qualify for benefits!

Children who are under the age of 19 may still be eligible for Medi-cal coverage, even if their parents do not meet the requirements.

In January 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) declared a Public Health Emergency (PHE) in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. Special rules were put in place during the COVID-19 PHE to allow more people to get access to and keep their Medi-Cal benefits. Prior to the PHE, California would review the information provided by beneficiaries and renew their participation in Medi-Cal if they still qualified. However, when the continuous coverage requirement expires at the end of the PHE, California will need to conduct a full redetermination for all beneficiaries who would have otherwise been subject to redetermination.

Even if you don’t qualify for benefits, your child is still eligible in most cases. In California, children under 19 years of age are eligible for full-scope Medi-Cal benefits regardless of their parent’s immigration status or eligibility, as long as they meet the necessary requirements.

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DHCS is in Phase II of two phases to help beneficiaries be aware of the need to requalify for Medi-Cal. The current projected auto renewal rate is 25%. The state has projected a loss of coverage at about two-three million individuals. CMS is allowing a total of 14 months to resume normal eligibility redetermination.


Yes, you are required to report any changes in your household, such as income, if someone becomes pregnant, a new household member, and any changes to your address, to your local county office. This may help ensure that you continue to receive your Medi-Cal coverage after the end of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency.

Yes, it is important that Medi-Cal beneficiaries respond to county requests for updated information, including renewal packets.

Please report income changes to your local county office. If your income goes up or your household changes, as long as the COVID-19 public health emergency continues, you will not lose your Medi-Cal coverage.

  • County Response: We can update your address. You may report this change by phone, online, mail, fax, or in-person.
  • Managed Care Plan Response: We can update your address for your managed care plan. It’s important that we share this information with the county so you can continue receiving important notices about your Medi-Cal. Is that OK with you? If you do not want us to share your new address with your local county office, you will need to contact them directly and provide your updated information.
  • Community Partners Response: Please contact your local county office to provide your new address to ensure that your Medi-Cal coverage continues.

You can access your Medi-Cal case, complete your annual renewal, or report changes to your case by creating an online account. You can create one today by going to https://benefitscal.com/ and selecting the “Create an Account” link in the upper right-hand corner of the page.